Social media: Facebook users in the United Kingdom

Consumer Insights report

Social media: Facebook users in the United Kingdom

Facebook is the most used social network in the United Kingdom. It is used by consumers from all age groups, many of whom use their smartphones to access the internet. Music is a common interest among Facebook users in the UK, who stated to often get annoyed by advertising on the internet.

Gain more valuable insights about Facebook in the United Kingdom social networks market landscape with our report.

Receiving up to four updates throughout the year, the report is based on data from the Consumer Insights Global survey, as of February 2024.

Topics include

  • Demographic profile
  • Consumer lifestyle
  • Consumer attitudes
  • Marketing touchpoints

Table of contents

This report offers the reader a comprehensive overview of Facebook users in the United Kingdom: who they are; what they like; what they think; and how to reach them. It provides insights on their demographics, lifestyle, opinions, and marketing touchpoints. Additionally, the report allows the reader to benchmark Facebook users in the United Kingdom (''brand users'') against UK social media users in general (''category users''), and the overall UK onliner, labelled as ''all respondents'' in the charts. The report is updated quarterly and is based on data from the Statista Consumer Insights Global survey, an international survey that covers more than 15,000 brands across 56 countries.

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